5 Ways to Step Up Your Direct Marketing Game
With the use of email and social media now commonplace, it’s becoming more and more important that your company differentiates itself from the competition. There’s a lot of noise out there and it’s up to you to figure out how to rise above it all and get your message across to your customers. After all, they won’t come looking for you, you have to go to them.
Which is why direct marketing isn’t just something you do, but something you work for. It’s not a set it and forget it kind of marketing campaign. It’s a constantly changing and evolving product that you need to stay on top of. It can be tough. As a small business owner, you have a lot to handle and direct marketing isn’t always at the top of your list.
That’s why Intentionally Inspirational is here. We’re here to help you manage your direct marketing needs, or just give you a little inspiration to take your direct marketing game to the next level.
It’s Not Just About Email
When you think of direct marketing, you think a lot about email. That’s because email goes directly to the person. However, your direct marketing strategy needs to cover multiple platforms at one time. Step up your game by embedding a video or infographic directly into your email. Don’t just add links to your blog, but figure out how to integrate your Instagram feed or your LinkedIn profile. Find a way to get customers engaging on multiple platforms.
According to a 2017 report by Compu-Mail users are on multiple platforms every day so you need to be too.
Make it Personal
Sending an email that says, “Hey John, we know you like our apples, why don’t you try our pears too?” is much more likely to get a response from a customer than, “Hey you, we have fruit we think you’ll like.” Think about how you would respond to each email, it’s likely how your customers will respond the same way.
Step up your game by making your emails more personal, especially to frequent customers. It may be that 10% of the people on your list love apples. Then make a special campaign just for them. It will make your customers feel like they’re people, not just an email on a list.
It’s Your Job to Follow-Up
This is not hyperbole. That 2017 report by Compu-mail had some other interesting figures in it. For example, 96% of website visitors leave without making a purchase. When you retarget a visitor, you’re 70% more likely to convert. Even if you don’t convert a customer, 26% of customers will return to a site if you retarget them.
It’s a lot of numbers to follow, but the basic point is this: when you follow-up you’re more likely to make the sale. That is your job.
Don’t Give Up
What most people don’t understand about direct marketing is that it’s a numbers game. You may be discouraged if you email a person three to four times and you don’t convert. That’s okay, don’t give up. You’re playing the long game here.
There’s this rule. It’s called the 3–7–27 rule. It’s something that real estate agents use a lot, but it applies to marketing in general. Realtor Jan O’Brien describes it pretty well on her website. She says, “The 3–7–27 law of prospecting states it takes 3 contacts for someone to recognize your name; 7 contacts for them to associate your name with your business; and 27 contacts for them to feel comfortable doing business with you.”
27 contacts. That sounds insane, but it’s a good number to keep in mind. If you give up by contact three or four, you’ve basically wasted all of your efforts. Small business owners know time is a precious commodity. Don’t waste it.
Use the Data
There are a lot of numbers out there. Heck, I’ve tossed around a lot of numbers in this article. Don’t disregard them because those numbers are important. They’re the code to your success. Each number and data point is like a breadcrumb leading you to your next customer. It’s important that you’re able to spot those breadcrumbs and follow them.
Some of you are going to shake your head and say, “I just don’t get it.” That’s okay. Data isn’t for everyone. But the smart business owner is going to recognize the importance of that data whether they get it or not. If you don’t get it, find someone who does.
Hey, I might know someone. (Hint, hint.)
Written by Erika Towne