Tips for Using Marketing in the Time of Coronavirus
When it comes to marketing, it’s all about taking the pulse of your audience. Right now, all anyone is talking about is the novel coronavirus — sometimes referred to as COVID-19 — so you want to make sure that you’re sensitive to this as much as possible.
Last week, I looked at companies that are using social media to address the problem head-on, in a sensitive and sometimes fun way. It’s a great example of brand building without making light of the severity of the situation.
This week, I want to offer some actual tips for connecting with your followers and letting them know that you understand how they feel, are sensitive to how they feel, and aren’t trying to capitalize in this time of crisis.
Remember, Context
Think with Google understands that COVID-19 is dominating everyone’s thinking and so it points out that context is key when it comes to marketing.
“As interest in news surges around the world, there are many more ad impressions being served in the news category. We’re having to ask ourselves, ‘In what instances are we comfortable putting our brand alongside news content?’ This debate, and local nuance, has helped us make choices, especially around the use of paid social media. Local context is key,” the company said in a recent blog post.
You want to think about context at every turn. Will this offend someone who sees it along with a COVID-19 story?
Re-evaluate Your Marketing Guidelines Frequently
What’s happening here at home and around the world is constantly changing. There’s some new development every day. That means what seemed like a great marketing strategy last week may not be a good one today. You need to look at your marketing guidelines at least a few times a week and decide if they still fit with the world narrative.
Are they still suited for what’s happening in the world now?
Utilize Google My Business and Other Social Media
If you’re a brick and mortar store, it’s essential that you update your My Business profile and other social media profiles so that customers can manage their expectations of you. People are planning their outings so that they leave the house as little as possible. That means they’re running multiple errands at once. There’s nothing worse than making a plan and then running into a speed bump like a closed store. Don’t be that speed bump.
You also want to skip the Google plea that you probably have in most of your marketing material, “rate us on Google”. As Marketing Land points out, Google has temporarily disabled local reviews. That means asking for a review is a waste of your marketing capital and it’s a waste of your customer’s time.
See This as an Opportunity to Gain Market Share
Neil Patel is a marketing leader because he understands the industry so well. What he sees is an opportunity. As Patel says in a recent post, “During an economic downturn, you’ll find that you will have less competition, which means it is easier and faster to get results, and in some cases, you’ll be able to get deals, such as a potential reduction in pay-per-click advertising… In other words, this is your opportunity to strike and gain market share.”
It’s something to think about in the coming months, especially if you’re in a strong financial position right now.
Why Social Media Marketing is Essential Right Now
Why am I talking about this now? Because right now the eyes of the world are on you.
The use of social media has skyrocketed as people all over the world sit at home glued to their social media accounts. They want interaction with their friends, family, and the rest of the outside world. They are voraciously consuming information and you could be some of that information they’re consuming.
Do not think that because people are staying at home, there is no way to make an impression on them. Now is the best time to make an impression. Make sure it’s a good one.
Author’s Note: I realize as I write this that you’re probably like me, trapped at home with your kids, your significant other, and your fur babies. Any or all of them can cause distractions. So, if you need some tips to work at home efficiently check out 7 Essential Tips for Working From Home and How to Work From Home with Schools Closed. You’ll find something that will help, I promise.
Written by Erika Towne